mzMessagingService Buglist (add bugs you encounter) - unsolved issue o solution for issue available + issue solved ADD YOUR EXPERIENCED PROBLEM - openChat() not working - _your_problem_here_ NEW o? don't send message read when message is below scroll - is writing setting - read state sometimes behaving strange GENERAL CONNECTION - socket connection not resuming after disconnect, fires errors - need to investigate how packages are behaving with disconnection - after restarting socket server the page is not working for a long period of time BUG - not sure but multiple new messages in closed conversations don't appear upon opening (text + image) CONTACT AND CONVERSATION DELETION send updatemessengerdata? close current conversation? handle the situation UPDATE BUG o unsent messages are hidden when going inactive and active --> consider compatibility with images, files, voices --> disable reloading chat, update timestamps automatically --> change rendering function to take unsent messages into account - oldest message network logo disappearing on inactive / active switch - read state not disappearing on incoming message? CENTRAL QUESTION: HOW TO UPDATE CONVERSATION / CONVERSATIONS? --> never reload, only change stuff --> store all changes and make them being reproducible DON'T CARE - message read state is not backwards compatible COMPLETED + incoming messages are being shown now + sent messages are being displayed now without reloading + messages sent from node chat now fire push notifications + strange behaviour when sending messages (sent message appears multiple times) fixed + reconnecting issues fixed + online state not updating fixed --> the time until the event for disconnection fires is much longer when using xhr polling compared to websocket + message read state is now being updated in real time + after receiving a chat image newer messages are being received properly + upload + image upload supporting + file upload supporting + voice message upload supporting --> compatibility with phpapache + contact requests + node support for contact requests + PHP pushes contact changes to node + client supports contact request events + supports push notifications + starting conversations + with text message + with file / image / etc bug